Saint Paul de valera preserves a representative sample of the Peruvian Yungas and Scrublands, as well as the sources of water that supply the Gocta falls, and the existing biodiversity, promoting participatory management and the development of economic activities, friendly to the ecosystem. This ACP is located within the hotspot of the Tropical Andes, addressing important areas of conservation as the Northeast Corridor in Peru, and a key area of biodiversity of the river Utcubamba.

Tourist attractions in the ACP and the surrounding area

San Pablo es un viaje en el tiempo: un pueblo idílico que aún preserva su identidad y arquitectura. Esta comunidad protege más de 2 mil hectáreas de pajonales y turberas, de las que depende el agua de la catarata de Gocta. También cuidan el ingreso a la primera caída de Gocta, un camino de 2 horas con paisajes espectaculares entre parches de bosques. El ingreso cuesta S/15, adultos y s/8 menores, además del costo del guía y el caballo, si lo necesitas. También hay un lugar acondicionado para acampar.

The Valley of the Falls has an importance of nature and landscapes uppercase. You can join the conservation and regeneration of this fragile ecosystem by visiting the valley and vinculándote with people who are leading initiatives of conservation or also adopting a tree in safely to future generations of lovers of life and nature will thank you.

How to reach

From Pedro Ruiz (40 min), or from Chachapoyas (1 h) in a collective, and low in Cocahuayco. From there, take a motorcycle taxi to San Pablo de Valera (30 min).

Products and services that we offer

Spaces for camping | Guided or horse if you need to | local Restaurants.

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