The ACP Huaylla Belen is located in the valley that has the same name. It is an excellent place to learn about the medicinal plants of the forest, to discover the secret routes that take you to a fall of water, and walk through the forest full of trails and archaeological sites. All the days you live a new experience, that its inhabitants invite you to know and to marvel.

Tourist attractions in the ACP and the surrounding area

The montane forest tropical humid rainforest, the ruins of the Church Urco, the viewpoint of Huaylla Belen, the pre-hispanic road Colcamar – Open Yúmal, the sarcophagi of Sholón, the ruins of Pucasiugo, of Carmero, of Puemal and Cocha Catín.

Representative species

Amphibians, 102 species of birds, 18 species of mammals and 307 species of flora, among which include the armadillo andean hairy, the spectacled bear, the Quetzal gold head, the hummingbird queue estátula, ferns, and orchids.

How to reach

45 minutes by road paved from Chachapoyas to the turnoff to Colcamar, then 30 minutes to the community.

Products and services that we offer

The ACP has stay local. | Guided to the ruins of the Church Urco, the viewpoint of the Huaylla Belen or by the pre-hispanic road to the open of Yumal and the ACP Huiquilla | beautiful fabrics produced in the town.

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